Medea, Openingsconcert Gaudeamus Muziekweek
New works by young composers
Sep 9 2015
Asko|Schönberg, conducted by Bas Wiegers, will open the Gaudeamus Music Week, the renowned and internationally reputed festival for young composers and new music.
The works of Wettl and Asuroglu have been nominated for the Gaudeamus Prize 2015. Especially for Gaudeamus, you will hear a suite from Tulpmania, an opera by past prize winner Kyriakides, in a production of the Veenfabriek in collaboration with Asko|Schönberg and Slagwerk Den Haag. Member of the judges’ panel Tsoupaki will add a Greek melodrama for eight instruments.
Gaudeamus Prize
Three ensembles occupy a special place at Gaudeamus Muziekweek 2015: Asko|Schönberg, the Nadar Ensemble, and Zwerm. Each represents a category for which the nominees could submit work. Asko|Schönberg will collaborate intensively with nominated composers Mátyás Wettl and Utku Asuroglu as part of the Gaudeamus Academy.
slagwerk den haag
conductor Bas Wiegers
sopraan Jennifer van der Hart