Studio talks Lisa & The F.I.X.
Lisa (the alter ego of composer Luke Deane) released her first full length album Footsteps On The Wall together with The F.I.X. in december 2021. The album was recorded during the first lockdown in The Netherlands in 2020.
Specially formed band The F.I.X. consists of musicians from a.o. Asko|Schönberg and Slagwerk Den Haag. They enrich the club-scene inspired sound, the dark electronics and Lisa’s bass infused harmony with instruments such as the duduk, cymbalon, pan-flute, and cello.
In these short video’s the musicians tell about their collaboration. The videos were filmed during rehearsals in our GRASpunt studio and during the album recordings in Splendor in Amsterdam.
With Footsteps On The Wall Lisa presents herself for the first time to a new audience after causing furore in the underground scene in the Netherlands and United Kingdom with touching live acts that combined her indie pop songs with performance art.
In the tranquil atmosphere where the music of Footsteps on the Wall was conceived, the album is a perfect listening trip for long winter nights.
The *limited edition* album on blue vinyl is now available in our Asko|Schönberg webshop (please note: we can only ship within the EU).