Reinbert de Leeuw performs Schubert’s ‘Der Doppelgänger’ with Gerrie de Vries
Reinbert de Leeuw (1938-2020)
Reinbert de Leeuw passed away on Friday 14 February. We have been deeply moved. As a conductor, musician and composer, he has left an ineradicable mark on the Dutch musical life. We cherish his musical knowledge and enthusiasm filled with pride and gratitude. He was uncompromising with a big heart, passionate and always searching for meaning. All the way until his very last concert, he has continued to inspire us through that unconditional love for music. We miss him greatly.
On 12 January 2020 he played his last concert at our Words & Music weekend. This concert ended with the poignant performance of Schubert’s Der Doppelgänger, sung by Gerrie de Vries.
Film & edit: Jaar & Dag Media, audio: Arne Bock and Koen Kevel.